Friday, August 22, 2008

This Is Not An Area Where One Should Attempt Self Bankruptcy Or Try To Save A Few Dollars

Category: Finance.

Filing for bankruptcy is a drastic measure that overwhelms most people because of the detailed paperwork that must be done. Because of the complexity of the matter, and the fact that emotions can cloud judgment, it is a good idea to get bankruptcy help to be sure that a chapter bankruptcy filing is done correctly.

In addition, for most people it is an emotionally draining experience to go through. One of the first places to go for help is to one of the credit counseling agencies. Often, they can suggest ways to help debts collections situations or they can negotiate with the creditors and try to make arrangements, either reducing the monthly payments or reducing or even eliminating the interest charges and late fees. They are sometimes able to help people avoid going into that final step of filing for bankruptcy. In some instances, they can get both the interest rate on a loan reduced and make arrangements for easier payments. It makes sense for companies to cooperate when a debtor is having trouble making their payments and to work with them to make a new financial plan. The reason that this kind of bankruptcy help is often effective, is because creditors know that if a person is in a financially bankrupt position, then the chances of ever collecting on any of the debt owed to them is nil.

The credit counseling services offering help usually start by digging into the person s or couple s financial situation and then will help to determine if filing for it is going to be necessary in their case. Even though the credit counselors will sometimes determine that the best way to help debts incurred is to file for one, at least the consumers who receive the counseling feel more assured before taking such drastic measures. Many times, when a person is in a panic mode because they have had numerous bill collectors constantly calling them, they move toward a chapter bankruptcy filing as a knee- jerk reaction before they have found out if they have other options. However, it should be noted that some of the credit counseling services do charge a substantial fee for their services. Sometimes, credit counseling services can arrange for debt consolidation as well. Another avenue of help, another route which, or better said might help one to avoid declaring broke altogether, is by using a debt consolidation service. The purpose of consolidating your debts is to give you one single payment to make per month and to secure financing with a lower interest rate.

If credit counseling or debt consolidation are not enough and it is evident that filing for it will be necessary, then you should seek out a qualified lawyer for the legal help that you will need. This can help make the current debts more manageable and bring the monthly payment down so that it can be worked into the family budget. Making sure that you get an experienced lawyer who specializes in the different chapter bankruptcy filing types, will help to assure that your case is handled professionally and that the required paperwork is properly filed in a timely manner. Not properly filing the paperwork and adhering to the court timeline can result in your court record being thrown out, which will leave you vulnerable to the tactics of the creditors and collectors again. This is not an area where one should attempt self bankruptcy or try to save a few dollars. If you find yourself in the situation of struggling to meet your monthly obligations or if you have experienced a life- changing event, then getting bankruptcy help to assist you on how to best proceed is probably a good idea. Even though bankruptcy is a momentous decision, it is provided for through Federal law to allow people to have a new start financially when the situation arises.

The worst thing you can do is to ignore a growing financial problem, as the condition will only get worse if positive action is not taken.


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